Tuesday, 13 April 2021

Spring time for buns!

Daffodils and tulips are blooming in the garden so we definitely celebrate Spring with Spring time baking.  Here are some small cakes or buns which you can decorate however you wish – as long as they have a hint of Spring!

Spring time buns

What you need :

2oz/50g butter

2oz/50g caster sugar

1 egg

½ tsp vanilla extract

3 oz/75g self raising flour

1 tsp baking powder

A little milk

How to bake :

Pre heat the oven to 350 F, Mark 4, 180 C. Cream the butter and sugar and add the vanilla extract and beaten egg. Sift the flour and baking powder and add to the creamed mixture using a little milk if necessary. Half fill bun cases with the mixture and bake in a moderate oven for 15 minutes. Makes 8-10 buns.

To decorate :

When cool, scoop out the top of each bun and fill the hole with butter cream. For this you need 2 oz/50g butter, *4 oz/110g icing sugar, a few drops *vanilla extract and 1-2 tbsps milk. Cream the butter and icing sugar. Add the vanilla extract and milk and mix well. Replace the scooped-out sponge as a lid. Dust with icing sugar. We like to add some butterscotch pieces too. 

Or, make chocolate buns by adding 2 tbsps of cocoa to the mixture. We made these for Easter but you can bake some the next time there's a special occasion.  

Meryl says :  

During lockdown home schooling, I’ve been baking every Friday with my grandchildren. We made lots of tasty bakes and carried on after school from March. You can check out our bakes as we post our efforts on @GrandmaAbson Instagram  Enjoy!